Personal and team brand
The “Brand You” program will give you the tools and confidence to make the most of your “personal brand”. You may want to explore this individually or with your team.
Forté’s unique armoury:
AAA rating
Identifying your key Attributes, Achievements and Advantages.
Explore how you interact with others and the image you present. Your confidence, personal power, performance, team leadership. Techniques to enhance your voice, energy and personal projection.
Marketing you
Learn how to talk about yourself, promote your brand, who you are, what you stand for and the value you deliver.
Examine influencing people and outcomes. Audience analysis, response management, mapping your message and audience engagement.
Team brand
Discover your ‘why’, what’s special about you and your team so each person knows the strengths of the people in the team and the team as a whole.
content tailored to address your strengths and opportunities
a lift in confidence and profile
greater communication and collaboration
development of your key messages
an increase in impact, engagement and leadership communication
understanding and ability to articulate your ‘why’
sharing your team’s story
the strengthening of your team’s sense of purpose and collaboration.

“I have been labouring under the impression that delivering results and going about my business quietly was all that was required. Personal branding and thinking intentionally about managing stakeholders and viewing every key interaction as an opportunity to add or subtract from your brand (notice, think , feel, do - response) was a great wake up call.”
Rob Hooke, GM HR WesTrac